WEIGHT: 5000 gr/m² ± % 2
POINT: 576.000/m²
DIAMETER: 15-16 mm ± % 2
WEIGHT: 4500 gr/m² ± % 2
POINT: 537.600/m²
DIAMETER: 15-16 mm ± % 2
WEIGHT: 4000 gr/m² ± % 2
POINT: 499.200/m²
DIAMETER: 15-16 mm ± % 2
CARPET PRODUCTION WIDTH: 4.00m (1.33mX3 pure planning can be done. Less splicing, flawless appearance on the floor)
PILE YARN QUALITY: Custom Mosque Carpet Yarn 3 Twisted Yarn
PILE YARN MATERIAL: 100% Pure New Wool (under Woolmark guarantee) Plate wool taken from leather with chemicals scrap worthless skirt wool and nylon mixture is absent. It is washed according to Woolmark hygienic standards and is free from oil and dirt. It definitely does not smell.
COLOR QUALITY: According to the TS EN 133 Test method, high-fastness Reactive Swiss and German dyes that are harmless to health are used.
SURFACE PROTECTION: “THERMOPRESS” steam treatment is applied to minimize crushing due to pressure on the feet and knees of carpets.
BACK COATING: 700 gr/m2 is coated with VAC film plate to protect the static back structure of carpets.
PROTECTION AGAINST MOTHS AND BACTERIA: LANGSESS EULAN SPA agent and SANITIZED TH 27-24 antibacterial protection feature were applied against moth and insect destruction.
DURABILITY: It is rated as 4/5 according to the test method at Woolmark International Laboratories (IWS test 247). It has a life span of 2-3 times longer than similar ones.
FLAMELESSNESS: Nr° 22.05696.01 and 22.05696.02 date 16/12/22, according to the European Norm, BFI-S1 has received the flamelessness requirements from Centexbel/Belgium.
ACOUSTICS: The Measurement of Sound Absorption in the Ringing Chamber was calculated as SAA: 0.37. NRC: Calculated as 0.4.